Martial arts and meditation (the T’ai Chi Chuan Yang family system) has been an important part of my life since 2010. I credit my practice with enriching my life and helping me build resilience. It’s also a lot of fun and has helped me stay fit!
I would not have gained the benefits of T’ai Chi, Qi Gong and Daoism if I had simply taken a month of classes or gone to a weekend seminar. Like water shapes rock over time, benefits of practice are gained over time through consistent practice. This is why my class packages begin with an 8 - lesson minimum. You’ll be able to go deeper and gain more benefits of meditation and healing movement practice, the more you practice. Consider a flower that hasn’t yet bloomed. You see what’s on the outside first, but not what’s at the center. Keep practicing and you can get to the core wisdom of this martial arts system that’s been passed down through generations.
Besides willingness to practice even on “bad days,” you also must empty your cup and be teachable. “I don’t really need classes, I’ve already….”
You cannot teach someone who already knows everything. I am here to guide folks who are self-motivated and receptive to teaching.
Students must be willing to slow down, listen to constructive criticism, self-reflect and course-correct. They must be willing to practice awkwardly and incorrectly until skill is developed enough to execute correct and smooth movement.
Here is a brief video for those of you who are ready to invest in yourself and your martial arts journey!
We discuss principles of Daoism, Taiji and Internal Style martial arts, and integrate them into our practice today. We go a little deeper into details and applications for some of the postures we already know. We review the first section of the Yang 150 Solo Form up through Press and Push, and I demonstrate Single Whip. I hope principles of practice are sinking in, and that you're enjoying classes and your personal movement practice. Be well!
(video segment from past Taiji class)
To begin, I highly recommend at least a 3 month commitment to T’ai Chi practice. Watch one class video per week and practice what you have learned daily. Build on your practice each week, and you can refer to past videos to answer your questions. I will offer an 8 week package, so you can choose your own adventure. The 6 month package offers the greatest discount. If you are experiencing financial hardship and are very motivated to learn, write me to inquire about a scholarship. (See details below) You may also make a donation to support my business and help fund scholarships!
Dewdrop package: $200
8 weeks of class videos (if you watch one per week)
*Gentle rain package: $288
12 weeks (12 videos/3 months)
Babbling stream package: $423
18 weeks
*Bubbling Well package: $552
24 weeks (6 months)
Scholarship available: write me a letter telling me why you’re self motivated to learn Tai Chi and why you believe you should qualify for discounted classes. I will offer 1 scholarship per year (Or 2-4 yearly if donations are received!) Scholarships apply only to the 3 month or 6 month package. I would discount it about 40%.
Links to videos will be sent after payment is received in full. Venmo is preferred for class packages. You may also pay HERE, or by check or cash. See appointments page for my contact info.
Demonstrating Tea Cup palms drill for students
Before undertaking the study of any martial art, you should consult with your physician. All material contained on this website is provided for informational purposes only. You should be aware if you engage in a martial arts course you are doing so entirely at your own risk, including any present and/or future physical or pyschological pain or injury that you may incur. The author of this website cannot assume any responsibility or liability for any injuries or losses you may incur as a result of acting upon any information provided by this website, or any links to other sites found herein. Nor can the author of this website assume any third party liability arising out of any legal actions you may be involved in as a result of the training you received by engaging in a study of any martial art as presented by this website or any other source cited herein either directly, or through the use of hyperlinks. Although there may be a number of instructors, dojo, other organizations, seminars and other activities listed in this website, the author of this website cannot be responsible for their claims, instructional strategies, materials, facilities, or consequences that may arise by studying any martial art under their supervision and can make no recommendations or inferences as to the quality or effectiveness of their instructional programs.
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